Schedule of Events
Check back to find games, matches and meets near you, all listed on the calendar below. Volunteer trainings, coaches meetings and other regional activities are also at your fingertips.
These events are subject to change due to local and regional COVID guidelines. We encourage you to check back prior to the event for the most updated information.
Check back to find games, matches and meets near you, all listed on the calendar below. Volunteer trainings, coaches meetings and other regional activities are also at your fingertips.
These events are subject to change due to local and regional COVID guidelines. We encourage you to check back prior to the event for the most updated information.
- Events
- Genesee
Calendar of Events
M Mon
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S Sun
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Genesee Region – Junior Bowling – South
Genesee Region – Junior Bowling – South
9:15am registration 9:50am opening ceremony 10:00am competition This event is open to school age Special Olympics athletes in the southern part of the Genesee Region who register with their school districts. REGIONAL JUNIOR BOWLING 2025 - FLYER 1
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Genesee Region – Regional Bowling – Central
Genesee Region – Regional Bowling – Central
Livingston Lanes Registration 11:30am Opening Ceremony 11:45am Competition 12:00pm Awards 2:00pm 2025 Senior Bowling Central flyer bowling registration (editable) 4 This event is open to Special Olympics athletes and coaches that are part of a current Special Olympics training club.
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