
Opportunities For Everyone

Special Olympics New York attracts volunteers
from all walks of life, all year ‘round.

These dedicated supporters make our
local, regional and state competitions and
programs possible.

Special Olympics New York attracts volunteers
from all walks of life, all year ‘round.

These dedicated supporters make our
local, regional and state competitions and
programs possible.

Become Involved By Volunteering Today!

No matter which volunteer role you choose, each has a game changing impact on the athletes of Special Olympics New York.
Contact us at volunteer@nyso.org for more information.

I started as a day-of volunteer, unaware of just how much Special Olympics would inspire me and change my life for the better. Volunteers across the state come back year after year because working with the athletes really gives our lives a sense of purpose and community. If you’re considering becoming a volunteer, I can attest that not only will you not regret it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner! - Jill Warner
I started as a day-of volunteer, unaware of just how much Special Olympics would inspire me and change my life for the better. Volunteers across the state come back year after year because working with the athletes really gives our lives a sense of purpose and community. If you’re considering becoming a volunteer, I can attest that not only will you not regret it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner! - Jill Warner

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